Water treatment requires the use of a huge variety of chemicals. Discover Nord Chemical Products' offer in this section.
NORDFLOC Bleaching Resin
Diciandyamide/Formaldehide resing correspong to high molecular weight cationic polymers, used as cationizing agent in waste waters' bleaching or as colours' fixative.
Nordfloc 160
Nordfloc 150
Nordfloc 140
NORDPAC Aluminium Polychloride
Aluminium Polychloride with cationic charge used as coagulant and clarifying agent in treating many types of waste waters. The use of this product encourages flakes' aggregation and speed up sedimentation, even in compination with organic polymers.
Nord PAC 18% in Al2O3
Nord PAC 10% in Al2O3
Nord PAC 10% HB in Al2O3
NORDSOL Aluminium Sulphate
It's a inorganic flocculant agent, liquid or hydrated, completely soluble in water, used as inorganic coagulant in waste waters treatment and paper industry.
Aluminium sulphate solution 8% in Al2O3
Aluminium sulphate hydrated 17,5% in Al2O3
NORDFER Ferric Chloride
Iron salt used as coagulant and clarifyng agent for a huge variety of waste waters.
NORDTRI Aluminium Trichloride
Aluminium chloride used as coagulant and clarifyng agent for a huge variety of waste water.
Tricloruro di alluminio 8% in Al2O3
NORDALL Sodium Aluminate
Sodium Aluminate solution is used as alkaline organic flocculat in water treatment, paper industry and as setting accelerator additive in concrete artifact.
Sodium Aluminate 8%
Sodium Aluminate 24%
NORDPOL Polyelectrolytes
Our polyelectrolytes are used in waste waters and organic/inorganic sludges conditioning, in industrial process waters treatment, in mechanic filtration/dehydration processes, in clari-flocculation treatments in combination with inorganic coagulant agents. Polyelectrolytes are available in powder or in aqueous emulsion, cationic or anionic.
Nordpol C3900 SA charge A powder
Nordpol SA 2905 charge M/A 80% powder
Nordpol CL1908 charge M/A 80% in aqueous solution
Nordpol A41 PWG
organic powder polyelectrolyte for potable water use
Nordpol A3600 S charge A
Nordpol A3450 S PWG powder
Nordpol A3600 S charge A
Nordpol AH43 charge M 30% in powder
Nordpol AL43 charge M 30% in aqueous solution
Defoamers from Nordfoam set used in water treatments can be silicone or not (base oil, water or fatty agents). Silicone defoamers are more versatile, due their high features of resistance to acid and alkali, together with their stability over time).
Nordfoam AS10
Nordfoam AS20
Nordfoam AS30
Oil Base
Nordfoam AF06
Nordfoam AF97
Nordfoam OL3000
Water Base
Nordfoam Biobin
Nordfoam 160T
OXYNORD Peracetic Acid
It's a strong oxidizing agent used in paper and carton industry for sterilization entrance water treatment and waste waters sewage plants. It is also used as biocidal product with antiliming function and and for food chain sanitization. These products are used in sweage plants that discharge directly into superficial streams, and that have to guarantee the toal absence of any pathogen.
Oxynord 15%
Oxynord 5%
Oxynord 2%
NORDCARB Activated Carbon
Nordcarb GZ8
Granular mineral activated carbon. This product has a good mechanic resistance, high porosity, excellent ad-sorbing capacity towards many different organic pollutants such as surfactants, phenols and tannins. Nordcarb GZ8 is used for treatment and bleaching of water intended for human consumption, and for industrial and civil waste water treatment.
Nordcarb SP 12
powder mineral carbon, activated with water vapor, characterized by medium porosity and low micro-porosity. It's particularly suitable for absorption of organic contaminants' high quantities. Therefore, it is used in drinking water treatment, industrial and civil wate water, in bleaching, in food and pharmaceutical products' purification. This product is also suitable for theadsorption of those heavy metal contained in all fumes produced by waste' thermal combustion.